Mobius Strip

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A Mobius Strip is a ribbon with only one side and only one edge.
This one is made in four pieces, segments of a "ring" and a "disc"

A little bit of maths before we go on.
There are six measurements that we need to consider.
I just used measurements that suited the pieces of wood I was going to use.
My numbers are in [square brackets]

The external radius of the ring – R [5.3 cm]
The internal radius of the ring – r [4.1 cm]
The external radius of the disc – D [6.8 cm]
The internal radius of the disc – d [2.6 cm]
The height of the cross section – h [4.2 cm]
The width of the cross section – w [1.2 cm]

The equations are:
h = D – d
w = R – r
R + r = D + d

This is a somewhat unfinished project since the pieces are not yet glued together