Mini Golf or Carpet Golf

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The game of mini golf can be played on a carpet indoors provided some suitable ie non-destructive) holes can be made
Probably the simplest "hole" for mini golf is a shallow wedge with a hole bored right through it.
This works fine provided the player does not overshoot the hole, since the wedge will only work in one direction
In this project there is a rather better design of "hole", which can be approached from any direction.
The shallow cone is easy to make and wood of almost any quality will suffice. In this project, I used some redundant pine shelving which polished up quite nicely
The only real problem is the boring of the big central hole. If the blank is fixed to a faceplate, while the hole is being cut, then at the point of final penetration it is necessary to hold firmly both the central plug and the outside rim. Otherwise one or other will fly off the lathe and do some harm
I used screws for the central plug (which will be thrown away) and double-sided sticky tape for the rim (to avoid leaving screw holes in it)

Ideally a set of nine conical "holes" will be needed for the game of mini-golf, but a few simpler "wedge" holes can be substituted (provided they are situated against a wall)